Spring Explosion Tea Cozy!


Welcome to our spot today!  It’s a grey and rainy day in Wellington today, quite horrible in fact, so today is the perfect day for me to post my latest FO, as well as do a nice, long and involved tutorial for it in case you want to make one too, and get myself immersed in colourful woolly goodness!

Raymond is sleeping his unhappiness off right now, wrapped in his blanket… he was out last night, doing “fur patrol” around the neighbourhood, but during the night it started to rain, very hard, and he came in this morning wet and angry…. KB is having a nap too actually, on the day bed, surrounded by beautiful crochet cushions which she is not allowed to put her head on because she’ll wear them out, (oh God, I’m a tyrant!) so right now, I’m the only one in the family being productive!

OK, enough babbling from me….. shall I show you the “Spring Explosion” tea cozy?  (Named by KB who LOVES it…. *joy* because she doesn’t like woolly flowers and right now cannot understand why our tea pot needs more than one cozy…. it’s ART darling!)

Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

This is what gardens all over the place look like right now… beautiful colourful goodness!  I’ve been seeing pictures on Northern Hemisphere blogs lately and wow, it’s foggy and dark and frosty and also quite cozy!  I’ve said it before, I love seeing what the other side of the world looks like right now, my first change of season as a blogger!  I hope you’re all having fun wearing all of your knitted and crocheted happiness and keeping cozy under your blankets, next to the fire!

While the idea for this cozy is hardly original…. flowers on top and all that, I’m quite in love with it, as I am with most of my creations!  I’ve been so deeply inspired by tea cozies around the place (Oh Penelope, I would just die to have one of your little birds adorning mine, but they are just beyond me!!!) and have in fact, posted one I made a loooooooong time ago, my first real knitting creation in fact, which was covered in knitted roses.  I’ve been wanting to make a better one now that I’ve got the crochet flowers happening, and here it is!  It took about three days to make and by last night, I had had enough!  I had decided I just didn’t like it, and it wasn’t as nice as I wanted it to be, and it didn’t match the vision in my head, but when I got up this morning and found it sitting next to my chair, I decided that it was in fact, perfect and I loved it deeply.

So as I made it, I wrote out a pattern.  I had fun with it, and deem it a perfect project for a beginner knitter like myself, as it is knitted on two needles, not in the round, it is just plain old stocking stitch, no fancy business, and it means you get to have fun putting stitches on stitch holders and then back on the needles.  It’s a very satisfying project and I promise those of you who are beginner knitters, if I can do it, so can you!!!  (Don’t be fooled by the Harvey Kimono, remember I had Mum help me with the hardest bits!)

The only problem is…. I’m POSITIVE that the pattern works for righty’s as well as lefty’s like myself, but I wonder if there is a righty knitter out there who can knit this up quick smart, just to make sure that it makes sense for the majority of the population!  I’ve sat there, trying to imagine it being knitted the opposite way, but here is what happens to my brain when I try doing that……




















Yes…. not much!

I’ve done a photo tutorial for this, SORRY!  It’s left handed, so er… just imagine it backwards and you’ll see what I’m meaning!  (eeeee!  Maybe I’ll be publishing a left handed knitting and crochet book one day!  Wouldn’t that be the best!)

So!  Let’s begin!  I’ve used 8ply wool and 4mm needles, remember that this pattern will fit my pot which is 11cms high and 17cms at it’s widest point, so you may need to tinker with the instructions to fit your pot, especially in the decrease as mine decreases very quickly.  RS= right side…. the right side really…. WS= back of the cozy.

CO 90 stitches and work in stocking stitch until you reach the height of the bottom of the spout and handle.

K45 and place the remaining 45 stitches onto a stitch holder.  Work in stocking stitch until you have reached the height of the top of the spout, finish on a RS row.

Place stitches on a stitch holder and snip off the end of the wool leaving a decent tail end to weave in later.  Put the remaining 45 stitches back on the needles, beginning to purl on the WS row.  (This may involve putting them on one needle, then tranferring them onto another one)

See, now this is where you need to imagine the photo backwards if you are right handed!  Work in stocking stitch until both pieces are the same height, ending on a RS row.

This involved a bit of needle juggling to get them all on, facing the right way, ready to begin purling!  Now, keep working in stocking stitch, knitting all 90 stitches together until you are ready to decrease.

So, decrease as you would when shaping a hat by knitting two together.  For my sized tea pot, when I reached the decrease point, my rows went:

(On a knit row) k2tog, k1, k2tog, k1… to end of row, purl next row, knit next row, next row, *k2tog, k1….. repeat until end of row, purl next row,* and repeat ** until all stitches have been decreased, bind off last stitch.

If your tea pot is taller, you may want to add an extra row of knit between decrease rows, if it is flatter, decrease every row… have a play, and at the risk of totally SHOCKING all of those knitting legends out there (Mum, don’t read this….) remember that you’re going to cover it with flowers, so does it really matter if it’s not 100% perfect???!!!  Freestyling knitting is fun!

Sew up the top to fit your pot, leaving adequate room for the handle, now grab your crochet hook and edge the edges beautifully.  For mine I did single crochet around all of the edges, and then mini-shell stitch edging, into the first stitch make 1sc, 1hdc, 1sc, slst into next 2 stitches and repeat until the end.  I’ve discovered when edging knitting that it needs to be decreased a bit with crochet, I did this with the Harvey Kimono and make a sc into every SECOND stitch to pull it in nicely and wish I had done the same with this tea cozy… it’s a bit flared at the bottom for my liking, but I had already sewn on the button and button loop by the time I decided that, so couldn’t frog it without a lot of work!

So button and loop…. at the bottom corner of the handle edge, sew on a pretty button and on the opposite side, make a chain loop to fit over it and make that nice and secure by weaving in the ends.

So theres your cozy!  now it’s time to beautify it!  I get HEAPS of people asking for a tutorial on the big layered flower I make regularly… it’s from A Crochet Bouquet, and all of the flowers I make are from one of these two amazing books.

I’ve mentioned before that I only learned to crochet in April this year, and do you know what?  When I was learning, I bought the book on the right, and these flowers took me soooooooo long to make, I mean, over an hour per flower.  These days, it takes very little time, which just proves, that practice makes perfect, so don’t give up on these little beauties!  They are so worth it, and so much fun!

So my flowers and leaves were made over about two days…..

I stitched the leaves on, then arranged the flowers after that…. and voila!  Finished!

Heaps of fun, and you must admit, pretty easy too….. nothing too frightening in that pattern anyway…..

OK Lovelies!  I’m off, it’s halfway through my Sunday, so I have study to do, apples to stew, dinners to cook and freeze for the week, knitting patterns to consider for my next project and blogs to visit for some beautiful inspiration!  Have fun with this, and if anyone has made a granny tea cozy, let me know!  I’m DYING to see one from someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all have a lovely week and that many lovely things happen to you!


P.S  Raymond and I are sending much love to the beautiful people who have sent us such lovely comments over at Ravelry, as well as the beautiful comments on here as well, saying such nice things…. you are just *WONDERFUL* and you truly make my day when I read them XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

About Crochet with Raymond

I'm a crochet obsessed, reiki master, crystal healing, yoga junkie, counselling student, in a happy long term relationship... and Raymond's mum!
This entry was posted in Colour Therapy!, Crochet Flowers, Crochet Goodness, Knitting!, Patterns, Tea Cozies!. Bookmark the permalink.

100 Responses to Spring Explosion Tea Cozy!

  1. Pattygloria says:

    Marvelous! This is a piece of ART , for sure, darling.

  2. Sandra Draper says:

    Dear Alice~In~Wonderland,
    What absolute deliciousness is your stunning green knitted teacosy, obviously the 7th wonder of the world in its beautifulness!!!!
    Your talents are astoundingly amazing, colour coordination incrediblicious, such delightful, quirky, charming domestic goddessness from a bygone era!!!!!!!!!! Delights to behold!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!
    Love & Hugs
    Sandra~In~Fantasyland XOX

  3. Annette says:

    LOL, I have just realised I haven’t read a word I was just so excited with the pics that I had to comment straight away!! Art – yes, ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! and now I shall go back and read ;0) Happy Sunday and thanks for sharing Alice. :0)))))

  4. Pammy Sue says:

    You have out-done yourself this time, my dearest! This is gorgeous! Too bad I don’t knit. But I suppose I could crochet a tea cozy and then embellish it with all the flowers too.

    And thank you for your comments. Now I know just where to come if I need a tittie expert! hee-hee. You are a doll. If I ever figure out how to get there from Texas, I’m going to come visit and snatch Raymond from you.

  5. Nancy says:

    That is absolutely beautiful artwork!!!!!!!!!!!
    I love it!


  6. wendy says:

    Gorgeous, gorgeous is that a bit over the top?? but really is a fantastic
    tea cosy and gives warm feelings to those in need, not that i do as in aus
    it is starting to get warmer each day ☺
    love to you and raymond and thankyou again alice for such a welcoming
    blog ☺♥

  7. Robin says:

    Utterly amazing!!!! A true masterpiece. I was coming to read the tutorial for the first crocheted cozy and then I saw this post. I just don’t know how to say it, it is just fabulous!!!!!!!!!!
    xo Robin

  8. barbara says:

    That is the most beautiful tea cozy on the planet!

  9. Angie says:

    Reeeaaalllly pretty, Alice. I love it! I have “100 Flowers…,” and have wanted to try that pink and white rosebud; yours is great. A fond hello and head scratch to Raymond.

  10. Hahnsmum . says:

    That is just so bright, colourful & fabulous. Well done..

  11. Louise K says:

    Alice you are a genius!!! It puts the one I made to absolute SHAME!!! I miss our Sunday knitting meet-ups! 13.5 days of school left then maybe we can try again?? Your blog brings such happiness to my days 🙂

  12. Ann says:

    Wow, it’s truly gorgeous and I bet the tea tastes even better with it on the pot! You are such an inspiration. Definitely an art piece and thanks for sharing it with us.

  13. Denise says:

    That is very beautiful art. Makes me wish I had a tea pot big enough for a cozy.

    It’s sunny as almost always where I am. It’s finally cooling down that flowers can be planted and not burn to a crisp. They have a saying here to end a quarrel speak to the person on a cloudy day. Cloudy days are so rare here, they have the opposite effect. Isn’t that funny?

    I can knit both left and right handed. My boys wanted to learn and they are both left handed. So, I taught myself to knit left-handed to be able to teach them. I will admit it did cramp my brain just a bit.

  14. marigold jam says:

    That is some beautiful tea cosy – so colourful which is just what we need in our neck of the woods just now on another grey and dismal morning! Must have a go at that but I haven’t made the granny one yet!!


  15. tejehannah says:

    Hello Alice! Aah & oooh this is so beautiful like a caramel! You have became a professonal and the book would be a great idea! Really this is a beauty and you have so lovely photos with your tutorial!
    Have a wonderful week and hope you have sun and warm weather! Teje
    Ps. I get up few times at night to leave Nelli out and inside (she ‘cryes’ till I get up), window is not open like in summer time.

  16. Planet Penny says:

    How amazingly colourful. A reall blast of Spring, just what we need in the Northern Hemisphere. I made one with a similar theme a few months ago in crocheted leftovers and it still makes me happy! Penny and Higgins x

  17. Andrea says:

    Simply teapot-tastic!!!! 🙂

  18. Sharon says:

    A definite work of art….it’s fabulous!….. x

  19. Monique says:

    Oh, What can I say! It’s lovely as always.

  20. Sandi says:

    I have to come here to get a crochet fix, cos it’s not happening here, I am sooooooo tired battling the clock to finish off my goodies for the stall. Did I say I have a friend arriving tomorrow until Thursday, takes 3 days out of my precious time… did I say I am sooooo tired, do I need to mention also I think I have lost my mind………………….
    Love that teacosy, it is precious, probably the only thing that makes any sense to me at the moment…..xx Sandi

  21. Debra George says:

    Alice, your tea cosy is just FABULOUS! I really, really want to make one!!!!!! Actually, I will probably make one that covers the whole pot rather than fitted to the pot if you understand what I mean, cos I find it easier to take off than the fitted ones (and I’m too lazy to keep washing the fitted ones cos the pot has dribbled tea down the spout). Also abig thank you for pointing me in the direction of Ravelry for a different Queen Annes Lace pattern; found one that I think I understand so will be giving it a go soon. Light and love to you, KB and Raymond. xx

  22. Monica Huete says:

    OMG, you did a great job !!! That teacosy is really lovely !!! … ^___^

  23. Caroline says:

    Just spotted this beauty on Rav and *wow* its stunning! I might have to treat myself to one if not both of those crochet flower books and give this pattern a go.

    I love reading your colourful and happy blog ~ it helps to warm me up in chilly England!

  24. lovestitch says:

    Oh Alice, I don’t know what to say, as everybody did say at all, just one word, GREAT!!!
    I am so happy enjoying your GREAT jobs, as always!
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    LoL, xxx

  25. Sue says:

    Lovely, lovely work. If only I used teapots. Maybe I could make a hat like that?

  26. Siobhan says:

    Ooops, does anyone else do that – write out a comment, forget to fill in the name and email etc and then watch what you have written disappear? I do it all the time! Anyway back again. I have so loved seeing your tea cosies Alice. I love the cacophony of floweriness and all the colours of this one. You can never have too many either – always room for another (one to wash, one to spare and one to put away….. that’s the old saying isn’t it?) I too have been looking for the perfect little knitted bird – I plan to sit down and have a go myself soon. I did find a lovely one but he was made in very thin wool and the pattern wasn’t given. It’s only right that us right handers should have a little bit of puzzling to do; we make it so difficult for lefties don’t we? My crochet books suggest that if you are left handed you might hold the pictures up in the mirror to get the reverse image. I could not be having that! How silly is that in a book? I know some of them take the time and effort to show everyone. ‘Crochet unravelled’ is a book I know of that caters properly for left handers too. Hard to believe that you have only been crocheting since April – you’ve done such a lot! Don’t know where you find the time either – but I’m glad you do.

  27. Emma says:


    You have the most superbly dressed teacosy in blogland.


  28. Louise says:

    Alice, you are just too amazing for words!!!!!

  29. greedy nan says:

    Don’t have a teapot, don’t need any more projects but will be having both very soon thanks to you!!

  30. Melissa says:

    Alice, you know, without a doubt, that I absolutely love your tea cozy! Such pretty flowers!

  31. inkberryblue says:

    I wanted to say what a gorgeous tea cosy and I also wanted to add my thanks. I think that you are a wonderful blogger. You put so much energy, creativity, generosity, colour and chutzpah into your blog!!! I love coming her to visit. Thank you!

  32. inkberryblue says:

    I wanted to say what a gorgeous tea cosy and I also wanted to add my thanks. I think that you are a wonderful blogger. You put so much energy, creativity, colour and chutzpah into your blog!!! Your patterns are wonderful too and I really appreciate the way that you share them so freely. I love coming here to visit! Thank you!

  33. inkberryblue says:

    Sorry for the double post. Silly me!

  34. corry says:

    Absolutely the most gorgeous and colorful teacozy i have ever seen! You have a beautiful blog, so much inspiration here! Thank you 🙂 !!

  35. Penelope says:

    How divine to visit your blog again Alice, we have had an extrememly busy weekend and so now early monday evening is my first look / catch up with blogs. Wow… what a stunning array of crochet colourfulness, perfect for the colourless days we are having here, thank you! As for my little blue birdie, she was born out of a little freestyling and good fortune! You need a butterfly on those beauties you have created. Sooo good to see your world again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxP

  36. Dorien says:

    Hi Alice, this is absolutely GROOVY!!! I just love it. I am going to try and follow your tutorial, and see if it all works out for me being righthanded. I really need a little, mmm, let’s say a huge splash of colour; there is snow coming this week! You said it is your first time changing season as a blogger; so it is for me. And it is so strange seeing other people tell about spring and flowers blooming, while over here it is getting colder every day, and we really have to use scarves (yay!!) and mittens.
    groetjes, Dorien

  37. Kelly says:

    This is ever so pretty. Thank you for brightening my day…you have no idea hose much I needed that. ~Kelly

  38. blondie blu says:

    Dear Alice, you have so inspired me! I am a knitter (a very basic one), but I am so motivated to learn to crochet!! I bought a beginner’s DVD and some books, and off I go….. Thanks for all your bright and beautiful inspiration! Hugs to Raymond.

    xoxoxo Helena

  39. Elaine says:

    A work of Art truely! Not sure I have the patience for knitting though…was thinking of buying that flower book – worth a go would you say?

  40. KiwiPurler says:

    Wow! What a gorgeous tea cosy! And what lovely encouragement for beginners – that you only learned crochet in April, and yet here you are doing the most amazing things!

  41. Dawn says:

    Oh, yes!! — this teacozy is an eXpLoSiOn of gorgeousness!!

    btw–When I come to your blog, I feel as if all 5 of my senses have been invigorated and charged with yarn-y loveliness!

  42. Robin says:

    Hi Alice, I received the Beautiful Blogger Award today, and selected you as one of my BBA recipients. Congratulations! Stop by my blog to receive your award. Robin❤

  43. What a JOY your tea cosy is Alice! Absolutely beautiful and wonderful, infact scrumptious springs to mind! I adore it, can you tell?! And I think you’re very nice to make a tissue cover box for your colleague, which is a real beauty by the way. And just as an aside, have I missed something? It sounds like you’re in an office job, but I don’t know if this is new, or you were always in this job, I’m getting confused, I thought you were at college, or just finished at college, or do you manage to do both, and all the crochet and knitting you achieve?! WOW! Love Vanessa xxx

  44. faeryfay says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the tea-cosy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GORGEOUS!

  45. Sonia Sykes says:

    This is very beautiful. Nice Just what I’ve been looking for a long time. All the Granny
    Square Magazines and Granny Square Books that tell and show how to do Granny
    Squares But they never tells and and never ever do show how to do the Granny Circle.
    And I had to make me up a way to do me a Granny Circle Hat in my own way to make
    it look right. I hope you to be making Very Pretty Granny Cricle Hats. I am going to
    be trying to Make up some more Granny Circle Hats When I am Crocheting more hats

  46. Wow what a tea cosy!!! Its totally brilliant Alice!! I LOVE it!! Phew what a lot of comments you are getting popular 🙂

    You need to go and join the Grand Purl Baa’s Tea Cosy Affectionado’s site!!! She would love this one too! I have a post in the works about tea cosies and the competition that I entered earlier this year. There is another competition in 2012 so start planning now the theme is RED and its for the Heart Foundation. I will link this lovely post and your divine cosy when I finally finish writting up mine 🙂

    I bought some wool to make the tea cosy but haven’t started yet, been a bit busy doing flowers for Carolyne.

    PS your pattern seems fine from just reading it I cant see how it would be any different for a lefty or a righty with that pattern??

    lots of love Jen 🙂

  47. Sonia says:

    Hi, I’m writing here again about these pretty colorful beautiful Granny Circles
    Round Crochet again. I hope that you can Crochet some real Beautiful Colorful
    Granny Circle Crochet Hats. Because they don’t never ever have these kind of
    patterns in the Granny Square Magazines, Never in the Granny Square Crochet
    Books, Not ever in any of the Crochet Books and Magazines I’ve ever got to buy
    or order. I’ve only made up a crochet granny circle pattern on my on and have
    crocheted granny circle hats on my on.

    So I hope that you too would have some Very Pretty Beautiful Colorful Hats
    here that is made in the Granny Circle Crochet. I am looking to see some Very
    Pretty Beautiful Colorful Hats you Crochet in the Granny Circle Crochet.

    From Sonia

  48. Wendy says:

    I would just like to purchase the finished product, is that possible?

  49. Karen says:

    This is beautiful , i not a knitter , just learning , it looks like a easy pattern .
    I might try to knit again

  50. Thisorthat says:

    I have fallen in love with the tea cosy…it is beautiful..just love the flowers. I have just started sharing y works on my blog and all your blogs really inspire me.

  51. maria l rios says:

    Lovely tea pot cover. Love the colors and the photographs. Any suggestions to take awesome pictures of your projects such as yours. Have tried many ways, but lousy results. Any thoughts?/

  52. what a nice handwork. Beautiful

  53. what a beautiful handwoerk. Beautiful.

  54. Paula Vieyra says:

    Hi Raymond,
    I am trying to knit your beautiful tea cosy.
    I knitted one side to the height of the spout.I am suppose to cut the yarn and knit the other side which is on the stitch holder BUT I do not understand how to continue knitting if I have cutted the wool above,Please HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP
    Sorry I am a beginner
    bye bye

  55. Jo says:

    I have done the flowers first as I have the crochet flowers book and didn’t really have a reason to make them other than look at the lovely pictures in the book.(the fuscia is lovely) Now all I need to do is knit the bottom… oh yeah! and buy a teapot because I don’t even have one!!

  56. Sandra says:

    Hi Alice:

    Love your teapot and also Raymond! I’m also a cat mum and have a tea site (http://best-tea-talk.com). I do have a page there for tea cozy knitting patterns and I was wondering if I could use one of your photos of the tea cozy on my site please?

    Your site is so vibrant, especially with pictures of Raymond, all that lovely garn, etc.

    Anyhow, please let me know.
    Thanks a lot

  57. cath says:

    hello Alice and Raymond, I’m Cath from France.
    Excuse me for my approximate english (lessons are so far !!!!) but i would thank you for your wonderfull créations
    you ave inspired me with your amazing tea pot cozy and I realise my own version.

    Have a good sunday

  58. NessyS says:

    Hello – I just found this post of your lovely tea cozy. This is the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long while. I too am more of a crocheter than a knitter – you have inspired me!!!

  59. Melody says:

    Absolutely Gorgeous!!! Love Raymond, too.
    Your work is quite inspirational. Will try when I have time for sure!

  60. Marlene says:

    Love the cat, miss mine terribly! Just knitted a tea cozy, but used the springtime flowers to garnish. How absolutely beautiful!!! Will do more for sure. Never knew knitting tea cozies could be so much fun! Yours is truly stunning, must be all that green!

    Happy spring!


  61. Claire says:

    I’ve just made this teacosy for a friend – it’s a lovely pattern. Thank you.

  62. Anne, Warwickshire, UK says:

    Beautiful – thanks for the inspiration. I’m making a version based on flowers and plants found on our farm (‘annie-d’ on Ravelry).

  63. Michelle White says:

    Come to London and do some courses I will give you free accomodation – Michelle

  64. Sonia says:

    Hi Hello Again.
    Hello. This is me again. Here again telling about the Granny Circle Hats that I’ve been always
    been looking for in the Granny Square Books and Magazines. Now I’ve found a book the tells
    how to make a hat that has the Granny Square Stitch. It can be made in many beautiful colors
    that can be in very beautiful rainbow colors. I do enjoy seeing these very beautiful colorful tea
    cozys. And I’m still looking for some of Ya’all to be done made some very beautiful colorful hats
    in the Granny Circle Stitch sometimes soon. So Happy Crocheting to you all.

    From a Very Loving Crochet Friend

  65. Sehryn says:

    Hi, loving your blog and your crafty creations – great read and fun peek
    out of the two books you show, if you could only have one in your library which would it be?
    thanks – Sehryn

  66. neko says:

    Hi –
    Love your color selection. Your flowers are so joyful!!!

    Just want to share what my young art students are doing in Chicago

    Cheers- Neko

  67. sehryn says:

    Hi still wondering which of the two crochet flower books you would have to have if you could only have one??? which one do you recommend as the better of the two? thanks

  68. Pingback: The flowery teapot | Kiwiyarns Knits

  69. Cecilia says:

    I am totally in love with this tea cosy!
    It is so beautifu!
    I linked from my blogg and used one of your photos, I hope that’s OK?

  70. Sonia says:

    Things here are still Nice And Beautiful. So Keep Up The Good Beautiful Work Ya’all

  71. Lorna Pyke Turner says:

    It’s a work of art Alice. I’m starting right now, flower book’s ordered, hopefully here tomorrow because I think I’ll have the basic cosy finished tonight! Thanks I love it! May have to buy another teapot for crochet tea cosy xxx

  72. rose haft says:

    The cozy’s great & I’m so happy to see a Fuschia among the flowers!

  73. jane (trammyjane)on site says:

    hello from a newbie to ur site,I WILL BE BACK , what a lovely tea-cozie .saw the link on forum so came look see,saw and fell in love,need to do it but how to copy over.just too gorgeous to ignore.jane

  74. Robin Clark says:

    Do you have a complete pattern available that would include the flowers. I would love to make one of these. A true work of Art. Robin in MA

  75. Nancy says:

    Do you have a monthly newsletter posting? If so, please add me to your list of interested individuals. The tea cozy is quite lovely and looks like a fairly easy pattern to follow. Thank you!

  76. Pingback: Spring Explosion Tea Cosy | moss on the moon

  77. cybercita says:

    I would love to make this but I realize that I don’t understand the part about snipping off the wool and then resuming stitching on the rows that have been held back on the stitch marker. Could you explain how it works? Thanks so much, and I love your blog!

  78. wvknit says:

    How Lovely! I think I am going to make this for my Mom’s Mother’s day present! Absolutely love your design. I can also see it as a hat! Thank you Alice!

  79. This is absolutely the cutest teapot cover I have seen :o) I am gonna try and make one, I love the green color, its my favorite one. Thank you for sharing :o) Greetings from Iceland

  80. Veronica Slaton says:

    Oh my GOODNESS!!!! This is one of the most gorgepus things I’ve ever seen!!!!!! You are quite talented!!!!

  81. Jean Cadman Smith says:

    I love this cosy!. Thank you so much for sharing how to make it. It gives me hope that I can make something that may resemble your finished cosy!

  82. jen says:

    i just wanted to say i have made several of theses cosies. i have given them to friends with a teapot for their birthdays…they are fantastic…thankyou for sharing the inspiration…if only i had the books to make some of your gorgeous flowers, my crocheted ones just dont cut it by comparison..

  83. MARIEKAFER says:

    superbe pour garde le thé bien au chaud et si beau en plus alors BRAVO

  84. Valmai Osborn says:

    My mum was a lefty, and she taught me to knit in a mirror. So to speak! Just look at the pictures in a mirror, to get the right-handed idea. Rgds, Valmai in Auckland

  85. heather Jacobi says:

    Just made my mom one of these for Christmas. Different but really cute.
    I made little vines to go down by the leaves

  86. My next project (she says hopefully) I love this tea cosy – it’s so colourful and, er, cosy!!!! :). Thanks for sharing

  87. coalchild says:

    wow well done…what a piece of art. thanks so much for sharing

  88. Linda Devaney says:

    Exquisitely stunningly gorgeously wonderful, it IS a work of art, now all I need is to find patterns for knitted leaves. X

  89. Liz says:

    Absolutely amazing, I’ve made other knitted and crotcheted tea cosies over the years and have 101 flowers to k and c. Great inspiration for another one!!!

  90. susan evans says:

    Hello, was looking around for a way to hook the japanese flowers together and came across your blog and tea cozy….It is stunning I will have to make one your blog is wonderful and Raymond what can I say I love siamese cats… Please if you have a source on how you hook these bad boys together let me know for i just got my yarn and am ready o hook…

  91. bethnpenn says:

    Since I do not KNIT (and no I don’t really want to learn) I must try to figure out how to do the cozy part with crochet. I already have that book so I am set on the flowers. I love making the flowers. The cozy really is lovely! Thanks for showing this to us.

  92. palo says:

    Hi from Spain!! Love this pattern!!! I’ll try to do it…..

  93. Audrey says:

    So I just found this via a neighbor, and not only is this within my skill range, but the instructions and pictures are for lefties! Where have you been all my life?

  94. Spoon Feast says:

    I LOVE this! Too bad I can’t knit or crochet.

  95. Sandra D says:

    It was soooo beautiful. I knit the cozy base and used crochet flowers from my stash. I love flowers. I found a cute little amigurumi bird for the top. Wish I knew how to post a picture here. Thanks for your tutorial-I’m not the greatest knitter but I’m very pleased with the outcome.

  96. Fredrick says:

    Hi there, just became aware of your blog through Google, and found that it is truly informative.

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  97. Kathryn says:

    I had this on my Ravelry page, waiting or start it. I decided that I’d make this for my Mom for Christmas, and now it’s gone!!!! So Sad. Is there some way I can pay for just this pattern??

  98. Gülsen Yalkın says:

    This is so pretty, I’m going to try it. Thank you for sharing it…regards

  99. Ruth says:

    It is absolutely an eyecatcher … and so phantastic to work .. I should have much more time

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