Elf Bootie pattern!!!

Hello Everyone! 

Happy sunday to you all! 

Bootie fever is almost over!  I’ve been playing with the pattern for so long now I am no longer enchanted with these little elf booties so this pattern and tutorial comes just in time!!!!!!!!  OK, thats a lie, I’m still enchanted with them.

Remember I told you in my last post that I had been playing around with a pattern from this link: http://hipknitized.blogspot.com/2009/10/these-cute-little-booties-are-made-from.html Do you all notice that I don’t know how to do that dinky little thing everyone else does where they link something with a word not the whole address?  Does anyone want to share with me the key to that very cool magic trick?  🙂

Enough typing… on with the elf bootie pattern and tutorial.  This is made for the learner knitters out there!  A very basic beginner pattern which suits me fine, because although I have been knitting for a while now, I’m still completely intimidated by knitting somthing like a jersey!!!

To Begin!

I used size 5 needles and 8 ply wool.  Cast on 38 stitches

 Knit 2 rows

 Next row: Knit 2 together, knit 2 together, knit to end of row

Repeat for 3 rows

You should now have 30 stitches on the needle

knit 2 rows

Knit 2 together, knit to end of row

repeat next row

knit 2 rows

Now cast off 4 stitches on the next row, knit to end of row

repeat next row

knit 6 rows

Next row: increase 1, knit to end of row

repeat for 3 rows

Loosely cast off, leave a 30cm tail to sew up bootie.

Begin to sew by loosely threading needle down the side of the bootie:

Fold the bootie in half and begin to sew where you cast off the 4 stitches, sew along the 4 cast off stitches, then down the bootie.  Match up knit rows together and sew around the edge.  Sew from side to side, not over the top to make it neater… I don’t sew right around the end of the toe because it will lessen the length, just kind of skip it…

When you get to the bottom of the bootie you will have those big loopy stitches from where you cast on… sew along the very edge of these stitches until the end, then fasten off.

Weave in ends

Give the knitting a good pull… make sure the toe is stretched out and not bunched up… pull the top corners out nicely… and turn inside out!  Poke your finger down the end of the toe so it’s nice and long

Ad lastly, embellish with something cute

I need to learn how to make teeny toadstools!

I hope that was easy to understand, if you try it out and get in a muddle, let me know so I can adjust the pattern!!!!  And if you do try it out, please let me know how you get on! 

So now bootie fever has ended, I’m open to begin some more projects!  Actually, not really, my granny stripes scarf is still in the making… I’ve “WIP-ped” myself into a creative frenzy and I just don’t know what to make!  Does anyone else do that?

I think it comes from too much blog-surfing and not enough hooking!

Thank you for popping in today! 

 Have a lovely rest of your day, from Alice and Raymond xx

About Crochet with Raymond

I'm a crochet obsessed, reiki master, crystal healing, yoga junkie, counselling student, in a happy long term relationship... and Raymond's mum!
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15 Responses to Elf Bootie pattern!!!

  1. Deb says:

    They are so cute. I was never very good at knitting myself. Great job.

  2. Louise says:

    The pattern sounds super easy – even for a novice knitter like me – and the booties are adorable. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. Kate says:

    They are super cute!
    Kinda makes me want to learn how to knit.
    Great job with the pattern.
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next.

  4. frances says:

    These are way cute!! Thanks for sharing, oh something else for me to make now. Love it. As for the linky thing, I used to do same as you. Now I type ‘here’ in the middle of the whole link, erase what is on either side of your typed ‘here’, so that it is still underlined. I hope this explains it right like. lol. Or the persons name instead of ‘here’.

  5. Alison says:

    Wow, those look super-easy, and so cute!

  6. kate says:

    oh tooooo cute! i am at a knitting low point, having tried and failed to make a scarf which has wrapped stitches in it(I would explain but have no idea still)..i need to learn to be good enough to teach it in about 2 weeks time…oy vey! But this little pattern looks totally acheivable…will pick up those darn sticks again. thanks for the cute inspiration…

  7. Kim says:

    These are so adorable! Green is my favorite !

  8. They’re adorable! Thank you so much for the pattern and excellent instructions, another pattern for my list of baby things to make for my pal who’s just had a baby.
    She’d love them. Love Vanessa xxx

  9. Karla says:

    I tried making the original Eco Booties, but there was no shape to them! I found your pattern, and here’s how mine turned out. Now I’m trying to figure out how to alter it to make a bigger size – I’ve tried using bigger needles, adding some stitches, and binding off more stitches in the middle.

    • They’re gorgeous Karla! Nice work! I especially like the crochet trim, well done!
      As for making them bigger… I’m not sure how… I’m more crochet-able then a knitter, so sorry I can’t help you!
      Thanks for sharing your pic! What a buzz that someone made something I’ve posted!
      Have a lovely day XX

  10. Amber says:

    These are too cuite! Do you mind if I make up a bunch of these to donate to my local charities?

  11. Hesian says:

    Just stumbled upon your site the other day and im loving it. i love these but I dont knit so im trying to convert it to crochet : (

  12. Patricia says:


    Thank you so much …..they were so easy to knit using your pictures. I aaas at a crochet evening in London last night and we were all talking about your lovely blog….we’d found it independantely of each other

    How to I post photo of the booties ?

    Thanks xx

  13. arlette says:

    Hi Raymond! I was looking specifically for elf booties and I found your pattern. Grabbed my needles and have one already made. The second one is cast on and ready to be knitted. Took me about an hour to make one so without the embellishments approximately 2 hours. I guess I am a slow knitter. Next pair I think I am going to use long needles and knit two at a time. Thanks for yor generosity in sharing this pattern.

  14. Rosa says:

    I just found your pattern and LOVE it!! I’m confused by where the pattern says: Repeat next row. Is this a typo or do I knit 2 rows twice? Thanks for sharing the pattern!

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