Not your average domestic goddess…..


I am in a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally happy space right now, as DAYLIGHT SAVINGS BEGAN LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!  I don’t know if I can express my love for long evenings after a beautiful sunny day…. tonight after I got home I sat in my rocker after tea watching the clouds float over the sky…. it was blissful.  And, it was 7pm.

Has anyone baked my secret recipe super healthy cake yet???  My frozen banana collection has been taking over my freezer space in a major way lately, so I pulled a few out and popped them in a cake to take to one of my workplaces…..

This one was particularly delish…. I put thinly sliced apple, brown sugar and coconut in the tin before adding the cake mix… it was good!  It didn’t last long…..

Have I told you that KB is gluten intolerant?  I’ve literally been killing her slowly with home-baked goodness for years!  I used to bake her so many cakes and muffins and scones until she could take it no more….. Her health has improved no end since she cut out gluten…. her bones have stopped aching, that’s a good sign!

Meanwhile, I’m not a fan so far of gluten free baking (sorry to all you gluten free people… if you have any good recipes please leave me a link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) except gluten free brownie from Meow cafe in Wellington *YUM* so I have no-one to bake for now.  Hence the banana build up…..

Enough about cakes… in between baking, working and studying, I’ve knitted up a hat that was ordered by a new friend and colleague who wants one for a wee baby about to be born in her family!

Hello Ted!  It’s you again!  You’re becoming the star of my blog!  Raymond who???

Isn’t that the cutest picture of Ted?  Would you like to hear Ted’s life story?  Ted belongs to KB who is the youngest of six children… she has kept a few of these toys and they are much treasured by us now.  Ted began as a companion for KB’s oldest brother which means he is about 50 years old (sorry to divulge your age D!  I hope you never read this!!!)  and worked his way through six children.  He is now having a revival as my baby hat model and has been enjoying this job since December last year!

KB accused me of ripping his smile off.

I was quite hurt… she said his smile was fine before he became my model, but I just cannot accept that accusation! 

Ted has a few friends I will introduce you to one day…. they’re lots of fun, but no good for modelling which is why you haven’t met them yet!

So my Mum loved my cushion from the last post so much she has decided she wants me to do a cushion exhibition in her shop…  I’m going to name is “Eat your heart out Grandma”…. so I’d better go…. It seems I have a bit of a deadline now!

Lots and lots of love, and thank you for the lovely feedback on my cushion!  I’m glad we all agreed on the layout!!!


About Crochet with Raymond

I'm a crochet obsessed, reiki master, crystal healing, yoga junkie, counselling student, in a happy long term relationship... and Raymond's mum!
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