Step-by-Step Stitch Guide!

The Stitches and Abbreviations!

Below are step-by-step instructions on making each on the main stitches you will come across in patterns in American Terminology.

yo= Yarn over (hook).  Bring yarn over hook from behind.

ch= Chain. Make a slip knot, insert hook and pull firmish but not tight.  yo and pull loop through.

slst = Slip Stitch.  Insert hook into stitch, pull through loop, pull loop through stitch on hook.

sc= Single crochet.  Insert hook into stitch, pull loop through, yo, pull through both loops on hook.

hdc= Half double crochet.  Yo, insert hook into stitch, pull loop through, yo, pull through all three loops on hook.

dc= Double crochet.  Yo, insert hook into stitch, pull loop through, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, yo, pull through remaining 2 loops on hook.

htr= Half treble.  Yo twice, insert hook into stitch, pull loop through stitch, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, yo, pull through 3 remaining loops on hook.

tr= Treble. Yo twice, insert hook into stitch, pull loop through stitch, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, yo, pull through 2 loops on hook, yo, pull through last 2 loops on hook.

Picot= ch3, slst into 3rd ch from hook.  (Picot made)

38 Responses to Step-by-Step Stitch Guide!

  1. Robin says:

    Hi Alice, great and most helpful guide for all your new students and old. I know you will be fabulous at this and loved by all. I wish I lived nearby, I would be student #5. Love your felting and active blog. Happy life to you, xoRobin❤

  2. Sarah says:

    I love you, the cat and all your crochet. You make my day when I come to see what you have written. Keep it up, you sweetie and kiss that cat for me! From deep in the Heart Of Texas, USA

  3. julia says:

    hello there

    Thanks for the guide to the stitches, very useful! Hows Raymond today? l do love seeing him

    wiggles xx

  4. Susan H. says:

    Hello Alice,
    Thanks for posting the stitch guide. I already started to make some of the granny bunts! I will post them to my blog tomorrow. I am new to blog land and just got back into crocheting – I look forward to reading your blog each day.
    Susan H. XOXO

  5. Julie says:

    Hello. I am so glad that i have visited your crochetin site. My OH my! How very nice – but all of them. I do like the tea pot covers!! They are like a bunch of flowers ready to
    jump out! Very happy to see, that you are just as addicted to crochet that I am. It is so
    nice and relaxing, one just drift away. The colours you have got there – well – what can
    I say? Thank you for us to see the wonders of one persons work, and yours are just wonderful. Thank you. Best wishes always: Julie (England)

  6. Becky says:

    Hi Alice, just a quick note to tell you how much my daughter Ana and I enjoyed your class last night. I was up until 4 am thinking for hours “just one more row!” and Ana has been hard at it this morning! I think you have created a monster!! 🙂 It is very helpful to have someone in person to answer our questions. See you next week!

  7. Mom Wald says:

    Thanks for the color orgy!

  8. Victoria Lowery says:

    I came across your website. I love it. Where do you get your yarn? I am an avid fellow crocheter. To me, the brighter the colors the better.

  9. Briana Murphy says:

    Hi There!
    I Love so so many of your projects and get pathetically excited whenever there is something new. I do have a question for you though. I am new at crochet and am working on a granny square blanket. I love the squares but I have attempted to join as I go and it just looks like one square is eating the other’s edge. Would you be willing to share how you join your squares? It seems that you don’t join as you go. I don’t care about that so much as it actually looking nice and….yours look nice! Please help! 🙂

  10. Cheri says:

    I hope to teach a Granny Sq class later this year.

    I had not thought of the triangle as a shape, so a big thanks for the well thought out web site.

    I too have a Siamese cat named Vlad who is utterly evil [sprays anything/everything] we think he was dropped as a kitten on his head. We are the second owners and while I love him, my husband is not as fond. But he is my favourite cat and is very good at loud purrrs and sleeping under the covers with me and the Papillon.

    Cheri in Vancouver

  11. My dear, you are magic!

  12. Clare says:

    Hi Alice, i stumbled across your page one day and i love it, the colours you use are fantastic. I’m a complete newbie to crochet but all i can say is seeing what you have created has just made me want to give it a go. You mention this magic ringy thingy where can i find out how to do that i have the basic chain thingy and slip stitch happening okay but not sure about that one.

    Hope your having a happy day Clare 🙂

  13. Stel says:

    ALmost ran in circles when I couldn’t figure out what a HTR is (trying something with your pointy flower) – was searching for a way to email you when my I fell on this stitch guide…thank you thank you thank you for making life easier for us beginners 🙂

  14. I love your blog, crocheting is my passion and its always a thrill to find new patterns. I am obsessed with your mandalas, I’ve already made two! Are you on Facebook yet, I’d love to follow your crochet adventures there!

  15. Edna says:

    Love your use of colour and innovative ideas. Best regards. Edna

  16. Eliana says:

    I had never seen a blog happier than yours. Congratulations for the attention you take us care teaching who is startin at the crochet. Thank you for this. I am from Brazil e would like to receive all the news about you. Best regards. Eliana

  17. Hi Alice and Raymond, I found your site only recently and I love the African Flower motif. I’ve made a couple of the pot holders and I’m now thinking about what else to do with this beautiful motif. I’m an avid crocheter, and knitter and always looking for new ways to do these crafts. Last year I learned tunisian entrelac and this year I’ve learned the african flower. Thanks for the great instructions and your site is wonderful.
    PS, I also have a cat (actually he is my son’s cat) and his name is Jazz, he’s about 1 and a half years old now. (the cat not my son lol)

  18. Terri in Colorado says:

    Was just thoroughly enjoying your blogs and patterns. Good luck with your move, and I can hardly wait to hear of your new adventures!

  19. Sylvia says:

    Hi Alice , can you please tell me, what kind of wool do you use.Is it cotton or what?Your work is fabulous.The colours are so inspiring.

  20. Peggy Coffey says:

    Hello Alice and Raymond!
    Your blog is wonderful and since I have become addicted to yarn, I am constantly on the lookout for new blogs. The colors you use are gorgeous. You give me something to aspire to. I also have a siamese cat. His name is Sammie and he just celebrated his 17th birthday. He still runs the house and we have 2 weimaraners that he keeps in line.

  21. Grainne in Connemara says:

    stumbled across your website on a wet and windy west of ireland night and all i want to do is find a crochet hook and get my hands on some of your breathtaking wool and create some of the wonderful items you’ve on display! The colours are magical………….keep up the good work!!!!!

  22. fiona s says:

    Hi Alice and Raymond, I am an avid reader but have never commented before!
    I love your blog and find your work very inspiring.
    I am on a maiden voyage with sock knitting, and having seem so many of your gorgeous socks, i wondered what pattern you use and if you would share? I found a beginners sock pattern online, and have made it round the heel corner, woo hoo! Seems fiddly with 4 needles, but getting used to it. Thanks for doing what you do,
    love, Fiona S, xx

  23. Adelle says:

    Hi there! I stumbled across your blog and found it very interesting… I too am GF… love knitting socks (still a newbie at it though)… have tried spinning & loved it, but could knit enough to keep up with the spinning, so gave it up… will be watching your posts 🙂

  24. mau says:

    Hi ! I am great fan of yours !! Thanks for sharing best ever things.Love your blog a lot.keep posting.I ll be watching all the time.

  25. Dee says:

    Hi I just started to try to make a triangle crochet and this the first time I have been able to understand what someone was trying to tell me .this is a wonderful I will keep on trying to do other stitches with your direction . Thanks

  26. KayeKaye says:

    I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog! My mother taught me and my sister to crochet when we were little. My sister has stuck with it though she does not know many patterns. I only remember the basics. You have a devoted follower in me! I can’t wait to get back into crocheting!! Your page makes me want to go buy a few skeins of yarn, pick up my hook, and get back into the swing of things. Thanks for posting all this great stuff!!

  27. mysterioussmysteries says:

    I believe I have found a great place to refer newbie crocheters. 🙂

  28. Hilary says:

    I’m newish to crotchet, and my mum wanted a tea cosy for Christmas. I have followed your instructions and found them easy to follow – thank you so much!!! A beautiful bright red (Mum’s choice!) tea cosy.

  29. cybelchan says:

    Hello Alice! Forgive me my bad English because I speak only Portuguese. I love your blog and I’m learning a lot about crochet with you. Thank you. I want to know how to crochet the squares together: could you publish something? I’m preparing a crochet blanket. Hugs!!

  30. cybelchan says:

    Ah! I love Raymond!!!!!

  31. Teresa says:

    I am addicted to your pot holders…there is no other word for it 🙂 Thank you for sharing

  32. Laurie Herring says:

    Trying to figure out how to hang a bead off a child’s sock cuff to make it “dangle”. Can you help me? I taught myself to crochet a long time ago so don’t do anything real fancy!

  33. Molly W says:

    I love this Ripple blanket..but ..forgive my do I get the “instructions” to make it?
    Thank you! Beautiful work!

  34. doreen says:

    i used your flowery tea cosy as a basis for making a beehive one. i kinda liked the flared crochet bottom, and as long time knitter but newbie crocheter, i was really pleased to see you had put together a list of crochet stitches and explanations. i’m now going to give the crochet flowers a try.
    you have lovely designs and i am glad i came across your pattern on ravelry.
    happy crafting!

  35. Anu says:

    I enjoyed reading your blog. I simply love all your crochet work and more importantly admire your choice of colour combinations. I followed your instructions to make my first granny mandala. Many thanks for sharing the instructions.

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